
The Olmec Charitable Company was formed in 2003 to champion race equality through economic and social justice. Olmec Charity operates Olmec’s funded programme and is governed by a board of Trustees (details below).

Registered Charity number:

Company registration number:

Registered Office:
The People’s Place, 80-92 High Street, Stratford E15 2NE

Olmec Co-operative CIC:
Olmec Co-operative CIC was formed as a Community Interest Company in September 2010, working to the goal of race equality through economic and social justice alongside the Olmec Charity. It has a Board of Directors elected from Members and is a separate organisation.

Olmec charitable company and Olmec co-operative CIC are sister organisations working towards a shared objective.

Olmec Charity and Olmec Co-operative CIC work to a memorandum of understanding to ensure compliance with legislation and regulatory bodies, transparency with funders, beneficiaries, members, clients and customers and to operate to a clear set of working principles in order to underpin internal governance.

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