Looking for new board members?
Need to increase diversity on your board?
Need skilled board members trained in governance?
Sign up for the Black on Board Fair!

What is a BoB’s Fair?
Based on the jobs fair model, the BoB’s Fair is an opportunity for organisations seeking to recruit board members to meet our trained Black on Board (BoB) talent pool. If you are seeking board members, the BoB’s Fair will give you a chance to meet delegates that are board-ready and looking for an opportunity to use their skills.
What is Black on Board?
Black on Board was developed in 2005 by Olmec, an award-winning race equality social enterprise, to address underrepresented of Black and racialised communities at board level. We train, mentor, and prepare delegates through a comprehensive 14-session governance programme.
Hear first-hand about BoB’s impact from programme graduates here .
How do I sign up? Registration takes 2 minutes.
The event is free, and the registration is quick and easy.
Exhibitors Joining Instructions
Please complete this simple Exhibitors Form.
Once registered, exhibitors will be allocated a virtual table and Olmec will be in touch with confirmation and reminder and a programme and exhibitor’s schedule
Delegates Joining Instructions
Please complete this simple Delegates Form.
Once registered, Olmec will be in touch with confirmation and reminder programme and exhibitor’s schedule.
For more information, please contact John Mayford at jmayford@olmec-ec.org.uk or Sheldon Shillingford at sheldon.shillingford@olmec-ec.org.uk.