BOB Community

We are a member led community organisation whose mission is to train and mentor Black and Minoritised people into board and community leadership positions.
BoB Community was started created by the students from the programme who were so positively affected by the training. We group realised that training and mentoring, allied to the building of community is a powerful tool. We are a grassroots member organisation that provides ongoing learning and peer support, open to everyone in the UK.
Achievements 2021
- Worked with Olmec to get 57 black people onto boards
- BoB Membership grew from 20 to 37
- Established 100 Great Black Women Speak with Olmec
Achievements 2022
- BoB Membership growth from 37 to 127
Achievements 2023
Six cohorts graduated the Black on Board programme.
98 New additions to the Black on Board Community.
Achievements 2024
- Celebrated the Graduation Ceremony of our first two Black on Board Cohorts from Croydon Council
- Celebrated Olmecs 21st anniversary and graduation ceremony
Our priorities for 2024
- Launched our Diversify London Scheme working in our Partnered boroughs to Diversify the boards of their local voluntary sector organisations
- Launch 8 new cohorts of the Black on Board programme
Launch Olmecs Reciprocal Mentoring Programme
BOB Community is developing from a Family into a Movement!
Our Vision
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Address Underrepresentation
Empower Communities
Mentoring and Networking
What Do I Get?
- A say in the Black on Board Community: one member, one vote.
- Invitations General meetings & awaydays
- Discounted training
- Opportunity to gain board & social enterprise experience
- An opportunity to stand for election to the BoB Committee.
- Peer mentoring scheme
- Moderated Group Chat
- Access to board vacancies & a monthly newsletter

Who Can Join?
Membership is open to anyone who:
- Is aged over 18
- Supports the aims of Black on Board Community
- Supports the Olmec mission of race equality through economic and social justice
How do I join?
Joining the community is just £2 per month.
Please complete the Black On Board Community application form
The fee is £24 per year for annual subscription
Join the Community Now
We are always looking for talented individuals to join our team. Check out our latest job openings!
Keep in Touch:
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